Greetings from vacation! Sorry again for the hiatus- the past few days have been hectic to say the least. After finally relaxing and coming to terms with what day it is (Monday, right?) I hope to be back on track.
Let's take a look back at last week, shall we?
Monday: 50 minute run
This was a good strong run. I covered well over 5 miles and felt back on track after my three days of rest.
Tuesday: Jillian NMTZ
It felt so good to have my weekly Jillian ritual back. I could tell that it had been too long since the last time I "hung out" with Jillian, but it was a much needed strength workout.
Wednesday: Speedwork, Tempo A
This didn't go quite as smoothly as I had hoped. When I got home from work we had no power and it was super-storming out so I figured I wouldn't be running that night. I settled in for my favorite snack of popcorn (thank you, gas stove) + hummus and planned on a rest day. The storm cleared up around 7p and it was beautiful (and finally cool) outside and I knew I had to run. Unfortunately the hummus and popcorn didn't feel too settled in my stomach. I still maintained around an 8 min pace for my tempos and actually hit 7:46 for a 5 minute stretch (go me!) but this run was quite unpleasant.
Thursday: 40 minute run
A cross-training day that didn't happen. I was busy packing and thought I wouldn't even be able to squeeze a run in but then I was feeling stressed and knew I needed to calm down. This run was just about my sanity, really.
Friday: 40 minute run
My first official vacation day! I was at my sisters' house and in a neighborhood that I'm not completely familiar running in so I just kind of set out on a mission to explore. It was refreshing to run somewhere new.
Saturday: Long run. 13 miles!
Such an exciting milestone! My longest "training run"! My sister joined me on the towpath and we thankfully covered 8 miles together before I finished the last 5 on my own. I felt really strong and comfortable on this run. I kept my heart rate low and enjoyed my personal training distance record. The runner's high was good for this one. I do wish we would have ventured out 30-60 minutes earlier but I finished and felt fantastic about my time.
Sunday: Rest/Spend 8+ hours in the car
Total Running Miles: 30.85. Longest week ever!
July to date: 49.33 miles (right on track!)
Goals for this week: Enjoy my vacation! I know I need to keep up with my training, but I also need to relax. I packed Jillian (seriously!) and I'm aiming for 4 runs of any distance. I enjoy working out and it is honestly a priority while I'm on vacation (as it is really calming for me) but I'm not going to stress about hitting the mileage my training plan requires. I feel good about where I'm at so I'm not too worried!
My blogging may be a bit irregular this week but I hope to pop by often to check in, hope you are all having a stellar Monday!
Congratulations! Venturing into uncharted mileage and putting up your highest weekly total ever is quite the accomplishment. Great job! Now relax on that vacation and bask in the glory of a training plan well executed, and get this week's miles polished off.