Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Training Rundown Week 6: Vacation

Greetings loyal readers! I have been sloooooooooooowly easing my way back to reality and that transition has not exactly been a pleasant one. Between a flooding basement, a flat car tire and an overflowing work inbox I've already forgotten what vacation felt like! Let's take a quick look back at what little training I did manage to squeeze in.

Monday: 50 minutes running
I set out optimistic that I'd find some sort of hidden gem of a running trail but instead I ended up running circles around our complex and doing a brief jaunt on a bike trail that abruptly ended (and no sidewalks to be seen!). The difficulty I had finding a route combined with the insane heat/humidity made me instantly readjust my workout expectations for the rest of the week. 

Tuesday: 30 minutes of strength training, lots of sweaty walking
I woke up early to fit in some abs & arms before we headed out to do touristy things. We walked a lot and I think I lost about 3lbs in pure sweat. Crazy hot!

Wednesday: NMTZ
This was supposed to be speed work on the treadmill, but despite getting to the rec center mere minutes after it had opened all the treadmills were taken! There was absolutely no chance that I was going to attempt to do speed work outside so I settled for Jillian.

Thursday + Friday: Rest days! We had some other stuff going on so I just didn't have a chance to fit my workouts in early enough in the morning and with the crazy highs those days afternoon workouts were NOT an option. No problemo, it's vacation!

Saturday: 40 minutes running, 30 minutes strength, a lot more sweaty walking
I knew I wanted to get a run in on Saturday since we'd be stuck in the car for a good portion of time throughout Saturday + Sunday. 

Sunday: Rest
We spent over 7 hours in the car so a workout just didn't happen.

Total Weekly miles: I don't even know because I haven't uploaded the info from my Garmin yet! But it's crazy low, as I only ran twice.

How I feel about this: honestly, a little stressed out. I know it was a nice needed break for my body (and my foot was pretty sore from all the walking) but I'd been feeling really great about my training up until now. I also tend to have a hard time getting myself back on track when I "fall off the wagon" so I'm really focusing on not falling into that trap. I just keep reminding myself that my marathon is still nearly 3 months away and that's the real goal here. The half next month is just for fun (plus I just ran a half marathon training run 1.5 weeks ago!). This week I'll be getting back on track and soon I'll be hitting some personal distance records.


  1. Hello, I'm a blogger at gtcsportz.blogspot.com (personal blog), but two things I want to do that's on my bucket list is run a 5k and a mile. I can run 3 miles in around 25 minutes, but it's so darn hot and humid here in Oklahoma, it's just difficult to continue doing it.

    I started doing a mile a day, then on Saturday break, then Sunday run 3 miles. Now this week I plan on running 2 miles a day, then 4 miles on Sunday, but I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

    What do you recommend running to get in shape for a marathon. I'm pretty sure I could do a 5k right this moment, but I would rather do it and not feel like I'll die any second.

    I'm in alright shape. I'm skinny (High metabolism) and trying to stay consistent in running.

    1. Just keep running, slowly and steadily increase your distances. I know that sounds cliche but it really is the best. I'd definitely recommend checking out some training plans- they are out there for every distance (5K to ultramarathons) and really are the best way to safely up your mileage. I've used both Hal Higdon (http://www.halhigdon.com/) or Jenny Hadfield (http://www.jennyhadfield.com/training-plans/) but there are tons of them out there!

      The summer is rough for everyone- keep up with what you can but remember to be safe!
