Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Running for fun

For the first time in many months I currently have nothing definite to train for. I have some potential races and goals but as opposed to just diving head first back into a training plan I knew I wanted to take at least a week or two to just do as I pleased, exercise-wise. With that in mind I made the (questionable) decision to ignore the 90 degree heat/90% humidity and go out for an easy run last night to shake out my legs. It was rough but at least it was pretty!

I covered about 3 miles running and 2 miles walking, I drank every last drop of water that I had and when I came home to my un-air conditioned house (another questionable decision) I.was.DYING. I couldn't find an escape from the heat so I did the only logical thing- got into an ice cold shower still wearing my sweaty running gear. The initial shock of the cold water took my breath away but after that it felt like heaven! 

Post-run ice shower was followed up by Thai food and board games with friends. Delicious and fun!

When my alarm went off this morning I literally popped out of bed. I had no intentions of running but it just looked so peaceful outside and despite still being a tad sore my legs were itching to run. Another easy (pace, not so easy on the quads) 3 miles and I was more than ready for a cold breakfast.

Lemon Chobani, raw oats, chia seeds, slivered almonds, tiny pinch of shredded coconut

I've got Jillian planned for tonight and I can truly say that I am so excited to spend an hour cursing at the TV. I'd really cut back on the Jillian DVDs pre-half to avoid being too sore and I just didn't have time for them while I was trying to learn how to ride a bike and trail run before the duathlon (review coming soon, I promise!) so it's nice to welcome them back into the fold. It feels good to WANT to do my workouts, just a few short weeks ago I was so over running I thought I was going to quit. The weather is certainly helpful too, summer makes me so happy. I swear I suffer from some version of seasonal affect disorder- as soon as the days are long, warm and sunny I'm the happiest girl in the world.

Happy Tuesday :-)

1 comment:

  1. I love running in trails. That's a nice trail you have there. :)
